Wednesday, December 29, 2010

One Year

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Finn's really on the move now!!!
Only 15 days until he's the big 1

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Finn takes a step

Finn is starting to walk (sort of)

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Finn stands up

Finn is getting close to to walking. Here's a video of him trying.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Finn Discovers the Skateboard!

When we were packing up the NY house Finn saw this skateboard which we was in the "decide later" pile.  Well, it got tossed into the truck and made it here to CA.  Last night, Dad was hunting in our box filled garage while holding Finn who then began squirming like crazy to get down.  Turns out he was headed for the skateboard!
Here is what happened moments later:

That is one happy boy!

Sunday, October 24, 2010

10 Months!

Wow, time is flying by.  Finn is as adorable as he was when first born and we have been incredibly lucky to know him for the past 10 months!

Today he practiced napping with Dad & Lily.

Later, Dad was making ice cream after dinner and Finn just had to help:
Whoa, should have known that would happen!

 Then, he had to have a taste...

...and Dad too!

Happy 10 months, Finnegan!!!

Friday, October 1, 2010

9.5 months!

It just turned into October & Finn is 9 and a half months old!

Yesterday the second big front tooth popped through on top!
Here is a video of what happens when big brother Tucker leaves his guitar out:

Sunday, September 26, 2010

9 months!

Finn turned 9 months on September 17th!!

We are all adjusting to our new lives in San Diego but so far so good!

Here is Finn taking a first look ever at Elephants at the San Diego Animal Safari Park:

...And here they are!

Tucker & Finn at our first family day at a beach walking distance from the house.

And with Dad playing in the sand... 

Happy 9 months!!

Finn crawls but prefers to walk holding on to big people hands, has two teeth on the bottom with four large visible bumps up top, wakes up smiling every day and is a very, very busy little guy but with such spirit it is a joy to show him his world.  What fun!

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Friday, September 3, 2010

August: 8 months!

In August we MOVED!!!
It was a difficult feat with such an active baby, but we did it and now reside on the west coast in San Diego. Wow!
Finn is now pulling up to stand on everything he can get his hands on... I sense real walking not too far behind!

July: 7 months!

I am VERY lax in posting because life has been incredibly busy!
When Finn turned 7 months, we were on an Alaskan cruise! Here is a picture from that event:

Also on the cruise he tried out lots of real food. Corn became a big favorite!

Monday, June 21, 2010

Happy 6 months Finn!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

5.5 months & CRAWLING!

Yup, it is true!

Five and a half months and crawling!

Last week Finn had his first spoon food - rice cereal. Apples will be added in this week!

Sunday, May 23, 2010

5 Months!!

Well, yikes did time fly!
Things are especially crazy since it turns out we are MOVING in August!!
Here is the sweet boy at 5 months old:
...and how does Momma get anything done with such a cutie?

The Roomba & doorway jumper works wonders! (for about 10 minutes... but hey, at least it is something!!)

Saturday, April 17, 2010

4 months!

Finn is four months old today!
He is such a sweet boy - all of us smile when we see him. How wonderful!
He loves watching the chickens and going outside. Here is a picture after we fed them some breakfast scraps:
Here is Dad carrying our two littlest ones downstairs for the morning:

Friday, April 9, 2010

3.5 Months

What an absolute joy this little boy is!!
Finn is really emerging from the baby-smooshie stage and we are able to figure out his likes and dislikes easier than before. Although, with that said, his interests are becoming more specific as his knowledge of the world grows, making life more interesting.

Here I am wearing him in a Mei Tai or Asian Style carrier. It is made by Babyhawk and is sure to get more use when he is a little bigger. For now I mostly use wraps - some carries of which are shown to the right. Finn and I have made it out to a number of babywearing meetings and I am amassing a wealth of knowledge on the subject. I'd be happy to direct you or someone you know in the right direction - just let me know!

He seems comfy so it can't be all for naught!

Monday, March 29, 2010

3 months

Oma visits!
Oma came for a quick stopover on her way to Germany. She will be back again in two weeks with photos of the bridge named after her Grandfather, Conrad Bäumer.

Friday, March 26, 2010

3 months

While Dad is away in California Finn wanted to see some video so here goes:

Tomorrow Finn & I drive out early to pick up Oma from the airport for her 31 hour stay. She will be back for longer on the return leg of a trek to Germany, visiting many people and places but also taking pictures of Finn's (middle) namesake's bridge.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

3 months

Finn was out and about this weekend - with Dad in the yard trying out a frame backpack:
And as he is always wanting to stand, we got him a bumper jumper:
Even if it lasts only ten minutes, that is ten minutes!!
Needless to say, we are all enjoying our active baby.

Friday, March 19, 2010

3 Months!

Finn turned 3 months old on St. Patrick's day!!
What a joy - even on my most tired days...

Also, I have become a fierce babywearing fan... Below is a picture of our first time getting a successful back carry. My wrap is an Ellaroo - a new purchase (one of three this week!). There are tons of sites online with info on baby wearing and I have linked my favorites on the menu bar to the right.There are many different ways to do back carries which I had been struggling with all week. After getting him comfy, I took a walk down the street, collected the eggs from our chickens and finished some household tasks... Yahoo! It was great to have my arms free but the baby right on me. How great!

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Video - Finn Found His Hands

Finn has definitely discovered his hands this past week!
Here he is letting Dad have some computer time:

And with Mom, babywearing, in a front-wrap-cross-carry:
Yes, yes - his legs are cold... I took off a blanket that was covering them up for the picture. They actually make something called Baby Legs that are like leg warmers. You can put them on when a baby is already in a carrier so you don't have to take them out.
Finn is nursing in the photo - can't tell, can you! I am a super-fan of babywearing!!!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

11 weeks 5 days

As of this past week, Finn can now track an object and navigate his hands towards it - what fun! It is really wonderful to see how his big and big-big brother notice the changes in his development... Melts my heart every time!
Tucker comes home from school and immediately takes Finn for some one on one playtime - what a lucky baby! Balin, less inclined to hold a potentially drooling (or worse!) infant, studies him with interest from one step away- usually wondering aloud how our species has survived this far. All the while, with both big brothers, Finn is studying them right back and loving the attention!

Monday, March 1, 2010

10 weeks 4 days

Dad usually takes Finn for a walk on Saturdays and this past one we got a ton of snow!
Here they are heading off, snowshoes and all:
Both guys came back in better spirits!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

8 weeks 4 days

I usually take Finn out for Monday walks w/my friend Lee and since this past one was a holiday, Tim came along with the big dogs.
A great time was had by all:Baby wearing & dog walking, what could be better on a winter day?
...Taking a nap afterwards, that's what!

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Video: Finn Talking, 8 Weeks

Here is Finn talking at 8 weeks old:

ok, he is a little congested from catching my cold... but no less cute!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

7 weeks

So I've been a little lax in updating... It might have a wee little something to do with the baby wanting to be held constantly!
Here is Finn at 7 weeks old:
And waking up on a lazy Sunday morning with Lily & Dad:
And opening a gift basket with big brother Tucker:

Sunday, January 24, 2010

5 Weeks

Here is Finn out and about with Dad going to tend the chickens.
And in the buff: happy baby!

Friday, January 15, 2010

Video: Finn awake, 4 weeks

4 weeks 1 day

This morning I overslept and everyone ended up late!
Tucker missed the bus and upon waking Finn to get him ready for car travel I found a content Lily Pug snuggled up at his feet...

Sunday, January 10, 2010

3 weeks 3 days

Here's a pic from yesterday!

Saturday, January 9, 2010

3 weeks 2 days

Finn had his first ride in the jeep today. He and I ventured out and picked up dog food as Tim and Tucker took the van to go skiing.
We are also getting the hang of babywearing - here is a link to what we have been trying out.
My wrap is the Bali Breeze made by GypsyMama and I am liking it lots (thanks, Evo!).

Finn Sleeps, 3 Weeks Old